
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )


匹配条件: “ Jethro Wu” ,找到相关结果约54700条。
Book Review: Routledge Handbook of Private Security Studies. Edited by Rita Abrahamsen and Anna Leander
Jethro Norman
- , 2018, DOI: 10.1177/0968344518760407k
Stem Cell Transplantation for Primary Immunodeficiency Disease: Experience of a Singapore Hospital
Alison Lee, Jethro Wu, Mariflor Villegas, Lynette Shek, Bee-Wah Lee, Poh-Lin Tan
World Allergy Organization Journal , 2012, DOI: 10.1097/wox.0b013e31824af5e3
Aristóteles como protofenomenólogo: la destrucción fenomenológica heideggeriana como apropiación originaria de la conceptualidad filosófica
Jethro Masís
Princípios : Revista de Filosofia , 2010,
Abstract: This paper revises Heidegger’s interpretation of Aristotle, in which the greek philosopher is portrayed as a proto-phenomenologist. On this regard, an attempt is made in order to render an account of Heidegger’s teaching phase (1919-1927) right before the publication of Sein und Zeit, in which Heidegger develops a search of his own philosophical terminology, resulting from the phenomenological procedure of the so-called ‘destruction’ (Destruktion) of the ontological tradition.
Facetas de Formación del Joven Heidegger: De las Tesis Universitarias a la Primera Lección en la Universidad de Friburgo
Jethro Masís
Revista Observaciones Filosóficas , 2010,
Abstract: This paper attempts to exhibit the young Heidegger’s academic and personal thinking path which stems from the two university dissertations (1913 and 1915 respectively) and ends up leading to his first lecture at the University of Freiburg on the determination of philosophy (1919). It is purported in the first place to render an account of the personal circumstances that convinced Heidegger of modifying his own early purposes of becoming a priest, then a theologian and finally a confessional Catholic philosopher by means of an examination of the philosophical themes which motivate his early work (Neokantianism, medieval speculative grammar and Husserlian phenomenology). In the second place, an attempt is made in order to consider Heidegger’s first Freiburg lecture in which the young philosopher intends the enterprise of undermining the primacy of the theoretical and in which he launches a series of remarkable objections (of hermeneutical nature) against Husserlian phenomenology.
Phenomenological Skillful Coping: Another Counter-Argument to Daniel Dennett’s
Jethro Masís
Journal of Philosophy of Life , 2012,
Abstract: This paper deals with Daniel Dennett’s well-known charges against phenomenological philosophy as an endevour to restore the rights of introspection: that is, the attempt, albeit doomed to failure, to contribute to the science of the mind from a purported incorrigible, ineffable and ‘subjective’ (interpreted as ‘private’) first-person perspective. According to Dennett’s heterophenomenology, only a strict third-person method is possible when it comes to the scientific study of the mind. I will dispute Dennett’s method in order to do both: correct Dennett’s caricaturization of phenomenological philosophy as na ve introspection and offer not only a clarification of phenomenology’s true aims and scope, but also a case in which phenomenology will stand as a crucial option in the new studies of the mind, under the sigh of fresh air that can be found in the new approaches to cognitive science (the so-called 4EA approaches: embodied, embedded, extended, enacted, affective). By way of introducing the concept of ‘phenomenological skillful-coping,’ an affirmative respond to Dennett’s own question shall be given: “Is there anything about experience that is not explorable by heterophenomenology? I’d like to know what.” The answer to Dennett should be firm: Yes there is! No less than the most basic non-theoretical, non-representational, embodied and embedded, human experience or coping.
Modular Invariance for Twisted Modules over a Vertex Operator Superalgebra
Jethro van Ekeren
Mathematics , 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s00220-013-1758-2
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to generalize Zhu's theorem about characters of modules over a vertex operator algebra graded by integer conformal weights, to the setting of a vertex operator superalgebra graded by rational conformal weights. To recover SL_2(Z)-invariance of the characters it turns out to be necessary to consider twisted modules alongside ordinary ones. It also turns out to be necessary, in describing the space of conformal blocks in the supersymmetric case, to include certain `odd traces' on modules alongside traces and supertraces. We prove that the set of supertrace functions, thus supplemented, spans a finite dimensional SL_2(Z)-invariant space. We close the paper with several examples.
Vertex Operator Superalgebras and Odd Trace Functions
Jethro van Ekeren
Mathematics , 2013,
Abstract: We begin by reviewing Zhu's theorem on modular invariance of trace functions associated to a vertex operator algebra, as well as a generalisation by the author to vertex operator superalgebras. This generalisation involves objects that we call `odd trace functions'. We examine the case of the N=1 superconformal algebra. In particular we compute an odd trace function in two different ways, and thereby obtain a new representation theoretic interpretation of a well known classical identity due to Jacobi concerning the Dedekind eta function.
Higher level twisted Zhu algebras
Jethro Van Ekeren
Mathematics , 2011, DOI: 10.1063/1.3589214
Abstract: The study of twisted representations of graded vertex algebras is important for understanding orbifold models in conformal field theory. In this paper we consider the general set-up of a vertex algebra $V$, graded by $\G/\Z$ for some subgroup $\G$ of $\R$ containing $\Z$, and with a Hamiltonian operator $H$ having real (but not necessarily integer) eigenvalues. We construct the directed system of twisted level $p$ Zhu algebras $\zhu_{p, \G}(V)$, and we prove the following theorems: For each $p$ there is a bijection between the irreducible $\zhu_{p, \G}(V)$-modules and the irreducible $\G$-twisted positive energy $V$-modules, and $V$ is $(\G, H)$-rational if and only if all its Zhu algebras $\zhu_{p, \G}(V)$ are finite dimensional and semisimple. The main novelty is the removal of the assumption of integer eigenvalues for $H$. We provide an explicit description of the level $p$ Zhu algebras of a universal enveloping vertex algebra, in particular of the Virasoro vertex algebra $\vir^c$ and the universal affine Kac-Moody vertex algebra $V^k(\g)$ at non-critical level. We also compute the inverse limits of these directed systems of algebras.
Evaluation of the Influence of Shale on the Petrophysical Properties of Hydrocarbon-Bearing Reservoir Sand in “CAC” Field in the Niger Delta, Nigeria  [PDF]
Charles C. Ugbor, Chinwe Adaobi Obumselu, Jethro O. Ogboke
International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) , 2022, DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2022.131005
Abstract: This study aims at evaluating the influence of the presence of shale on the quality of reservoir sand in “CAC-Field”, Coastal swamp Niger Delta by integrating suites of well logs and 3D pre-stack seismic data. Shales in the reservoir pose interpretation challenges as they form baffles to fluid flow and reduce effective porosity. The data used included well logs (density, gamma ray, neutron, resistivity) and 3D seismic data. Petrel and Interactive Petrophysics software were adopted for the analyses. The Vclay/effective porosity cross-plots were used to determine the clay distribution patterns hence the influence of shale on the petrophysical properties of the hydrocarbon reservoir. Result of the well correlation yielded 12 reservoirs with 4 (RES 4 - RES 7) being hydrocarbon bearing and laterally continuous across the 4 wells, (CAC-1 - CAC-4) forming the focus of the study. Evidence of an NW-SE trending delta progradation in the CAC field is represented by the increasing sandiness downdip, at both intermediate and the shallow horizons. Thickening of the reservoir in some instances may be structurally controlled due to faulting. The results from the petrophysical evaluation show Vclay ranges of 13%-21% and good to very good porosity values that vary from 15%-25%. The permeability range from 240.49-2406.49 mD except for the sands in RES 7, CAC-3 well where the permeability was low (91 mD). Additionally, the Vclay/Effective Porosity cross-plots indicate essentially laminated and structural clay types with few dispersed clay in RES 7, CAC-3 well. The existence of these 3 clay types did not significantly influence the quality of the sands containing the hydrocarbon in the area, except in RES 7, CAC-3. The compartmentalizing effect of the laminated clay/shale could only possibly affect the vertical flow due to possible baffles to the vertical flow, but the horizontal flow may not have been impeded significantly. The study of the type
Electrical Resistivity Sounding for Groundwater Investigation around Enugu Metropolis and the Environs, Southeast Nigeria  [PDF]
Claris C. Nwachukwu, Charles C. Ugbor, Osim Jethro Ogboke
International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) , 2022, DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2022.131004
Abstract: This report evaluates the use of electrical method and borehole data to investigate the subsurface to delineate the groundwater potential in Enugu metropolis and the environs, south-eastern Nigeria other than rely only on resistivity method which could lead to interpretation error. Integrating these 2 data sets is key in this study. The study area is located in the Anambra Basin and is underlain by Nkporo/Enugu Shale which is overlain by the Mamu Formation. It is bounded by Latitudes 6°2 0'00\"N to 6°30'00\"N and Longitudes 7°25'00\"E to 7°35'00\"E and covers surface area of about 342 m2. Thirty-one vertical electrical soundings (VES) were carried out across the area using the Schlumberger electrode array with current electrode separation from 2 to 500 m to identify the depths and resistivity values of the identified geo-electric layers. Through data analysis using WinResist software, the apparent resistivity, thicknesses and depths and the thicknesses of the aquifers were generated. The resistivity and depths were modelled to generate resistivity map and depth map. The resistivity of the aquiferous zone within the study area varied from 20.55?- 427.8 ohm-m at depths of between 10.7 - 40.05 m. Depth to the water table appears to be shallow at the south western part of the map. The interpreted geo-electric layers show a sequence of lateritic top soil, shale, sand and shale. The frequency distribution of the VES

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